Imbalancing Your Life during the Holidays
The need for balance in your teaching responsibilities,
personal life, and other family events in the holiday season is coming up fast!
Since time “in” school (actually at the workplace) is obligatory, what we’re
really talking about is how we deal with all of the rest of the time “outside”
of school.
Over the next couple of months, you’ll be immersed in the
“extra” things that make this time of year both memorable and…well…horribly stressful. Between family, kids, kids’ events, and
significant others’ events, we often overextend ourselves in order to avoid
confrontation or hurting anyone’s feelings.
I won’t pretend I have a magic method to deal with all of
this, but I do have to confess: I enjoy myself during the holidays. In fact, I
MAKE SURE I do because then I can come back to my students renewed, refreshed,
and ready-to-go.
What’s the secret to balancing all of these aspects of your
Knowing that it’s
not a balance.
Things aren’t even. Everything isn’t equally weighed. For example, I made my personal fun and my
family’s fun the priority. We tipped the scales, and I made
sure that things that restored me, personally, took the ultimate priority.
We struggle with that concept, though, putting ourselves
first, particularly over the holidays. But I’m sure you’ve noticed how
rejuvenating even one afternoon or one evening for yourself can be. And when
YOU are feeling restored and relaxed, you can more meaningfully deal with
One strategy that can help you out is to use a version of Covey’s Matrix as a decision-making
tool. Our focus, here, is for you to be able to prioritize yourself. Instead
of Urgent and Important, we’ll think in terms of Personally Restorative things
that bring us back to well-being) and Fulfilling (things that make us feel
happy and satisfied).
What this matrix helps us do is deal with things that are in
more of a “grey” area.
For example, if someone you love is in the hospital, you’ll
obviously prioritize that situation. Though that situation is stressful, it’s a
different kind of stress. One that is more concrete. The stress of other
situations, those “iffy” events, are the ones that can really drain us.
Another strategy is practice
effectively saying “No.” You’re going to have to practice saying this, probably,
in front of the mirror. You’re going to practice saying, “No, I can’t [do whatever] because [I’ve set that time aside to__].” Give it
go, right now!
What you’re NOT going to say is:
love to, but….”
“I’m sorry, I can’t….”
You’ll want to take those apologetic cushions out of your
“no-ing.” Not because you aren’t sorry you can’t do whatever (maybe you are,
probably, you’re not), but what that apology does is create a gap that a
manipulative person can use to get you to change your mind.
Plus, know that you do
NOT have to do everything that is asked of you. It is okay to say, “No.” It
is okay to say, “Not now, but (next week, tomorrow, etc.)…”
I know it might feel counter-intuitive; it might feel too
selfish. And you can continue to exhaust yourself year after year, trying to be
all things Martha Stewart and Gandhi to all people. But at the end of the day,
if you do not feel happy and at peace, then what is the quality of what have
given them?
Consider how much more effectively you might be able to do
for others, if you put yourself, first.
Let the holidays begin!
Guest Blog Post: Working through Panic Attacks and Stress in the Classroom
Randi Tolentino (@mizanoa on Twitter)
Randi is the PD coordinator and Technology Trainer in her district. First in her family to graduate from college, she went into teaching ten years after graduating after working in the corporate sector. She is a busy lady with three sons andhas coached JV and Varsity softball. Like most teachers, she has a hard time saying no! Hi, Stress. My name is Randi.
What my schooling didn't prepare me for was how to handle all the anxiety of the school environment I was in. During my first semester, I developed health issues and was put on several medications (including one for depression and one for anxiety).
I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and couldn't even enjoy a surprise family vacation to a beach over fall break because of the intense panic attacks I suffered.
I truly believe had I been in a different school, or larger district, my first year may have been more positive; however, I wouldn't trade my experiences, since they have helped shape the educator I am today.
And, more importantly, our classes wouldn't have reached the level of trust we did.
I was having multiple panic attacks a day, and it wasn't until the most severe of the attacks (and several doctor visits later) that I had my realization.
Some of my students must feel exactly the same way. Being expected to learn about the Civil War when they don't have a place to sleep, haven't eaten in a week, have to work at night to support their siblings-- these were just some of the numerous situations that they were experiencing.
It was at that time I realized I needed to find ways within the relationships of my students to work with them to find ways to help them be successful, without compromising the high expectations I had for them.
Gaining the trust of the kids I worked with was not an easy thing to do-- many of them had come to rely on people leaving them and not caring, so it took them a long time for them to believe that I did care and would not leave. Once that trust was established, and they knew they were safe in my room, they were able to tell me some of the heartbreaking stories that were their lives.
At that point, we were able to adjust due dates when necessary, rework assignments to meet the various learning styles (without them realizing that was what we were doing), and whatever else I could do to help them find success.
Once they truly believed I was on their side, they were willing to work hard for me (and themselves).
On those days when the panic would take over, I would feel overwhelmed and like I wasn't going to make it. I was able to tell my kids it was a rough day, and through our mutual respect for and trust of each other, they understood, and would take themselves down a notch -- but it took us quite awhile to get to that point.
Up until then, I was a basket case-- crying every night and jittery every day due to my nerves. Those kids have a permanent place in my heart and reaffirmed the reason I went into education in the first place. Those kids are the reason I advocate for meeting kids where they are, while still holding them to high standards. Those kids are the ones who need to know someone cares because all their lives they have been told that no one does.
Randi is the PD coordinator and Technology Trainer in her district. First in her family to graduate from college, she went into teaching ten years after graduating after working in the corporate sector. She is a busy lady with three sons andhas coached JV and Varsity softball. Like most teachers, she has a hard time saying no! Hi, Stress. My name is Randi.
What my schooling didn't prepare me for was how to handle all the anxiety of the school environment I was in. During my first semester, I developed health issues and was put on several medications (including one for depression and one for anxiety).
I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and couldn't even enjoy a surprise family vacation to a beach over fall break because of the intense panic attacks I suffered.
I truly believe had I been in a different school, or larger district, my first year may have been more positive; however, I wouldn't trade my experiences, since they have helped shape the educator I am today.
And, more importantly, our classes wouldn't have reached the level of trust we did.
Some of my students must feel exactly the same way. Being expected to learn about the Civil War when they don't have a place to sleep, haven't eaten in a week, have to work at night to support their siblings-- these were just some of the numerous situations that they were experiencing.
It was at that time I realized I needed to find ways within the relationships of my students to work with them to find ways to help them be successful, without compromising the high expectations I had for them.
Gaining the trust of the kids I worked with was not an easy thing to do-- many of them had come to rely on people leaving them and not caring, so it took them a long time for them to believe that I did care and would not leave. Once that trust was established, and they knew they were safe in my room, they were able to tell me some of the heartbreaking stories that were their lives.
At that point, we were able to adjust due dates when necessary, rework assignments to meet the various learning styles (without them realizing that was what we were doing), and whatever else I could do to help them find success.
Once they truly believed I was on their side, they were willing to work hard for me (and themselves).
On those days when the panic would take over, I would feel overwhelmed and like I wasn't going to make it. I was able to tell my kids it was a rough day, and through our mutual respect for and trust of each other, they understood, and would take themselves down a notch -- but it took us quite awhile to get to that point.
Up until then, I was a basket case-- crying every night and jittery every day due to my nerves. Those kids have a permanent place in my heart and reaffirmed the reason I went into education in the first place. Those kids are the reason I advocate for meeting kids where they are, while still holding them to high standards. Those kids are the ones who need to know someone cares because all their lives they have been told that no one does.
A Tale of Two Posters
If you're a student, choose which class you'd prefer to be a part of. Choose which teacher you'd most likely work harder for.
This one?
Or this one?
Feel free to download.
If you're teacher, choose wisely. Words matter.
This one?
Available for 8.95 on eBay
Or this one?
Feel free to download.
If you're teacher, choose wisely. Words matter.
What Entry Point? Where? Some Thoughts on Prescribed Curriculum and Backwards Design
As districts and administrators lean more and more
towards curriculum demands on teachers, it’s no wonder that the significance of
the entry point in backwards design is somewhat lost. It’s also no wonder that
many teachers are wondering how they can ever be considered designers of
learning when so much of it is “required.”
English teachers are told, “Students need to read Hamlet, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Giver.” Math teachers are told, “Students
need to be able to calculate the area of a circle, solve quadratic equations,
and apply the Pythagorean theorem.” Science teachers must “cover” concepts from
Geology, Astronomy, and Meteorology.
So anything to do with real “choice” on an entry point
is nowhere to be found. It’s “done been chosen.”
Thus, while planning a general unit might be fine with
a requisite entry point, it’s very difficult for teacher to plan units using the
backwards design approach because it requires much more thought and careful
decision-making. And making careful decisions about something that may not
interest you just won’t end up being of the same quality. Though the design
might be fine, it lacks the pizzazz of other units we’ve created. So, how can
we muster up enthusiasm with prescribed curriculum?
Confession: I’m an English teacher who really doesn’t
care for poetry. I do see its significance, and I know how to analyze it ten
ways to Tuesday. But when I’m told, teach
these poems in a poetry unit, I get a little de-motivated.
Okay, I get really de-motivated.
Okay, okay, I would rather have a root canal.
That’s when I know I need to
get creative. That’s when I know I have to get that pizzazz back in designing said unit.
One strategy— if you’re faced with a required entry
point of a text, standard, topic, or skill that just doesn’t seem to move you—
is to consider what aspects of that
entry point are relevant to students’ lives right now, today.
For example,
if you’re required to have students write a Rogerian argument paper (a skill
required by your district), you’ll want to reach outwards towards their reason
for writing the paper (to convince their parents of something that they
determine is necessary). More than likely, since the topic is inherent, the
students will be a bit more juiced about the focus, which, as you’re planning,
will get YOU more juiced and creative in your backwards planning.
If your district requires a particular standard, say, 3.NS.1: Read and
write whole numbers up to 10,000. Use words, models, standard form and expanded
form to represent and show equivalent forms of whole numbers up to 10,000 in the second nine weeks, and
that particular standard is…ehhh…one that you kind of dread, another strategy is to challenge yourself in determining how you
can focus on and stimulate students' kinesthetic intelligence. Sometimes, giving
ourselves a creative challenge, particularly one that will ultimately benefit
under-served learners, is enough of a boost to get us pumped for teaching the
unit. The design flows more freely.
Finally, if you’re required to teach a topic that is taught on an annual
basis (such as bullying, drug abuse, character choices) and, thus, is likely to
garner unwilling, unmotivated whininess from students (“We did this lasssssst
yearrrrrr…."), consider where you can
incorporate student choice. Students often “tune out” of topics that they
think they know all about, so in that instance, planning for them to take
charge of the topic is one way to handle it. There is a unique joy to planning
a student-led project that allows for greater passion to emerge. You can “see”
it happening, and it’s exciting!
Any and all of these strategies might work for entry points. For my dreaded, required poetry unit, I've tried the kinesthetic challenge and life-relevance. Both worked out beautifully separately and in combination. So much more was learned because I took the time to challenge my own creativity in order to spur on my passion.
So, where is your entry point, ultimately? It’s in your enthusiasm,
creativity, and passion. Go get ‘em, tiger!
Want to effectively integrate technology? Make it invisible.
I facilitate online professional development for teachers on
integrating technology in their classrooms, and one of the participants—a high
school art teacher—came up with a powerful insight into the whole concept of
integrating technology. He said:
The technology should
be invisible.
In that one short statement, he was able to capture the
essence of effective technology integration. We don’t want the tool to be the
focus, nor do we want the tool to drive the learning. Rather, the goal is to
put the learning first and allow the use of the tool to be so seamless, so
natural, so smooth as a means to reach the objective, that it is…invisible.
For example, you may have just discovered PowToons or
Quizlet. These are both fabulous tools! However, if you’re thinking, “Oh
wow! I want to use those with my kids!” then you’ll want to stop.
If your goal is to use the tool, then the technology will
not be invisible—it will be a glaring neon sign that reads
Heyyyy, We're Doing Technology Nowwww
Further, once the novelty has worn off, your students will
potentially be turned off to the tool as they will not see its value of
transfer. They’ll only know that they “did a PowToon” or “did a Quizlet” in
Maybe that’s how we can judge whether or not our integration
of technology is effective. If you ask a student, “What are you doing in
class?” and the answer is anything along the lines of “I’m making a video” or
“I’m drawing a Bitstrip” then, your technology is too visible.
Rather, your goal is to keep the learning as the
objective. You want the kid to say, “We’re trying to solve a mystery” or “We’re
coming up with solutions to a problem in our community.”
HOW they look for ways to solve that mystery (through
internet research) or share that solution (video, blog, infographic) shouldn’t
be the focus.
So, the question is, how do we make our integration of
technology invisible?
1. Ask big
questions. What kinds of questions do you want kids to be thinking about as
they move into the lesson/unit? Generally, the use of clearly relevant how, why, or what if questions tend to stimulate more thought.
is there still racial tension in the U.S., today? (high school)
2. Based on those questions and your state
standards, create learning objectives.
What should the student be able to do by the end of this lesson unit?
By the end of this lesson, unit, the student
will be able to:
- Discuss multiple perspectives on the issue.
- Identify at least four valid reasons for the persistence of racial tensions in the U.S.
- Support their identified reasons with evidence from recent data and statistics.
- Posit two or more plausible solutions for easing tensions, based on research.
Students are able to develop well-reasoned argument, posit solutions with the
use of evidence from research.
3. Determine what technology tools
will aid the students in reaching those objectives. Even better, offer students a choice of tools. In
the examples above, the most logical technology tools are:
- A curation tool to gather and house research (Pinterest, Symbaloo, or other)
- A word processing tool (Google docs, Word, or other) OR
- Another publishing tool (Podcast, blog, Glogster, or other)
Nothing fancy. Hopefully, in response to the question, these
kids would say, “We’re talking about why there’s still racism,” and not “We’re
making a Glogster thing.”
Make it invisible.
You'll find more teaching strategies in our book, Transparent Teaching of Adolescents: Creating the Ideal Class for Students and Teachers. Some former students and I collaborated on the development of best strategies for secondary educators. Check us out!
Think Classroom Leadership, not Classroom Management
Classroom management is not just the application of theories,
strategies, and methods. We can also think of it as a form of leadership. Many of the kinds of decisions we make in the classroom
are those that leaders make, such as a vision and mission for the class
(through the development of curriculum), guidance towards objectives (through
assessment), and the day-to-day interactions that encourage collaboration and
cooperation (behavioral discipline/procedures).
Of course, we have some duties that we see as managerial, such as completing paperwork on deadline and adhering to policies, but leaders have duties. Those duties don't drive their focus, though; they are professional in following through. A manager thinks: "I've got to finish this report.:" A leader thinks: "This report is going to help me better understand what this student/class needs to be successful."
This idea of leadership mindset in place of classroom management is relatively new, however. In their review of the nation’s teacher
preparation programs, Teacher Prep
Review 2013, Greenberg, McKee, and Walsh (2013) emphasize the movement away
from the traditional training regimen of classroom management (that of
presenting strategies and methods) to instilling a “professional mindset" (p. 6). The idea being that those learners
with a leadership mindset have the basics they need in order to respond to a
variety of issues or circumstances.
The ability to respond to a variety of issues is what new teachers
struggle with because they may have learned Strategy A, but they don’t see
how strategy A works in Situation B. However, if they can grasp that they are
leaders of people and not managers of behaviors, they may have an easier time.
This image offers a strong visual:
In general, a manager functions more like a boss, making all decisions and expecting compliance. The leader involves his/her followers in the decision-making and models expectations, which leads to the embracing of principles as opposed to mere compliance. The difference in students' behavior and contributions to the class when the teacher possesses and conveys a leadership mindset, particularly at the secondary level, is remarkable.
In his study of teachers in Mississippi, Burkett (2011) found a
strong correlation between a teacher’s ability to manage a classroom and
his/her leadership traits. His study showed
that those teachers who were effective leaders demonstrated greater efficacy in
classroom management. It isn’t such a huge leap, then, to consider that when
teachers understand that classroom management is a form of leadership, they may approach situations more
Stanford’s Graduate School of
Education (2013) takes this theory of classroom management as leadership very
seriously, to the extent that they have renamed their secondary management course
to Classroom Leadership and Management:
Secondary. The course emphasizes that a “tool box of simple management
behavioral techniques” (Stanford, 2013) will only get new teachers so far with
students. By exploring the core of behaviors and philosophies, the teacher
candidates are exposed to a completely different mindset in moving
forward, that of leadership and decision making. In essence, they are provided with
instruction in how to be classroom
leaders, which offers a cohesion of theories and methods introduced to
One secondary educator noted that in his teacher preparation coursework he was "inadequately prepared in the day-to-day, immediate management techniques that would have made [his] first few years successful” (Greenberg, et al., 2013, p. 46). I wonder how he might have felt more prepared had he known that he was a leader and not a manager, had he known that he didn’t need a bunch of techniques as much as he needed a mindset that conveyed greater collaboration with his students.
Burkett, M. C. (2011). Relationships among teachers’ personality, leadership style, and efficacy
of classroom management. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest. (UMI
number 3455430)
of classroom management. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest. (UMI
number 3455430)
J., McKee, A., & Walsh, K. (2013). NCTQ
teacher prep review 2013 report. Washington, D.C.: National Council on
Teacher Quality. Retrieved from http://www.nctq.org/dmsView/Teacher_Prep_Review_2013_Report
S., Curva, F. & Milton, A. L. (2011). Teachers from Florida teacher
programs: A report on
state-approved teacher preparation programs with results of
surveys of 2009-2009 program
completers. Retrieved from: http://www.fldoe.org/profdev/pdf/ProgramCompletersSurvey2011.pdf
Graduate School of Education. (2013). Classroom
leadership and management:
Retrieved from https://gse-step.stanford.edu/about/news/classroom-leadership- and-management-secondary
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You'll find more strategies for implementing a leadership mindset in our book,
Teachers. Some former students and I collaborated on the development of best
strategies for secondary educators. Check us out! |
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